
The Winds of Fall

Oh winds of fall How strong you are! You carry the leaves fallen off the large unique and royal trees. For you know, To make the tree majestic, You must take away the chains that bind it to it's past Which are nothing but a burden of a previous spring. Why then can't you take away my sorrows? My pain and my longing of hers? When you know it is a string that strangles me It suffocates my heart when I am bound by nothing but the aimless thoughts of what it could have been. Oh winds of fall I beg you, make me empty again So I can flourish once more But alas, I realize That's where I differ from the tree. It sheds its leaves for the leaves do not  have a part to add to its tale, While mine begins with a love that has failed.  

Seven Minutes of Hell

  Rumbling clouds all across, An umbrella of uncertainty, I see the lightning, I hear it now, In eagerness of pouring down. I long for the rain but it makes me wait As the darkness grows darker I feel something worse is yet to come When even a Hurricane wouldn’t worry me. A thunderous boom and there it is “The soft falling showers” oh not at all, Hellish showers befall, To every soothing description you’ve heard of rain Its nothing like them at all. No man can walk and vehicles have chosen not to, I haven’t seen this might of rain And I can vouch for everyone who’s seeing it, No one wants to see it again. It was seven minutes, seven minutes of that terrifying waterfall After which it subsided to gentleness. Heavy still, but gentle now Zeus’ happy now I jokingly sighed Another thunderous lightning And something among the clouds smiled.

Drop By Drop

The monsoon has come, its raining all day, The sun is hidden, the sky is all gray, The roads are clogged with water everywhere, But people on the road is now so rare. With an umbrella in hand and wearing rain gear, We watched how the clouds momentarily disappear, Then the thunder rumbled with all its might, And it all goes dark with no source of light. At school or home we would watch the rain showers, These thunderstorms were a show of nature's powers But this year's monsoon will be a little different, Lesser umbrellas in sight due to less people in pavement, The monsoon this time will only be a beauty to the eyes, As we sit by the window looking at the skies, Summer bids goodbye and monsoon does arrive, The trees are merry and they feel more alive.  


I remember those days as it was yesterday, A bag on my back, on a hot summer day, Five great hours of my life, which I didn't value then, I wonder when will we meet again? Friends were family and the classroom our dwelling From learning to games, it was the best feeling, The rush for the canteen and a long trip to the washroom, All are now memories, frozen with gloom. It was funny to wait for the weekends to arrive, When it was just Monday and a whole week to thrive, Substitutions were diamonds, a rare trip to the grounds, The library was a market for the perfect book to be found. I never thought I would get such a long vacation, "It will end" the thought is a soothing temptation, "All bad things must come to an end" a wise man said, Old memories will be aside while new memories will be made.

A War Not Won

A misty wind on a warm, bright day, A lush green meadow, and a bright blue bay, The red glazy sun behind the icy cold clouds, The mistletoe grown on the dead men's shrouds. The day after war, about to bring peace and calm, Some soldiers dead, some with blood on their palm, The so called winners, to celebrate their win, Slaughtered the weak and had a grin The families of the dead grieved with sorrow, The people feared for their family's tomorrow, The King however had a princely feast, "To win" he cheered and drank as a beast. Peace wasn't restored to those who survived, Calm were the souls who had fought and died, Neither did win in this battle of pride, The thousand deaths were the loss of the sides.

A New Beginning

  As the midnight hour strikes the clock, On our doors we hear a knock, A new year, a new beginning, A subtle year but more fulfilling. But as we step in another decade, The memories of last year do not fade, As we make new memories along the way, And spend happily each and every day. Just as an optimist provides us hope, Just like we are taught to cope, 2020 was a year hard to spend, Still we survived till the end. A new year with new possibilities, A new year with increased festivities, This is the time to forget the fear, Wish you all a Happy New Year.

Mr. Claus, Waiting for you

  The sun has risen, the day all cleared A nice chilly day with all fog disappeared, A glamorous carpet of snow in the yard, And in your letter box is a small Christmas card. A day so bright, and so chilly outside You sit by your tree and watch the snow, beautified, The gifts all placed tidily beside the tree, And while we devour a Christmas brownie. All sorts of boxes big, fat and thin, Each gift adds a wrinkle to our grin, Then comes with mother the delicacy I await, In an aluminum box a freshly baked cake. Then arrives dinner with relatives over, All sorts of stories we now discover, Here ends Christmas in the greatest way, Gifts and food! It is the best day!!